Sawah Bali
or direct deposit
Account Name: Yayasan Konservasi Sawah Bali
Account Number: 034 426 2353 (IDR)
Bank: BNI
Branch: Denpasar
Conserving Bali's Rice Paddies and Creating New Markets for Farmers
Sawah Bali creates Awareness regarding Sawah (rice paddies) + Subak (900-year-
old water technology and underpinning for
Balinese Hinduism), so that YOU are able
to make better choices, in matters of healthy food and your accommodations.

Subak Malung Bulu Jauk
Bunutan & Tanggayuda, Gianyar, Bali
Our pilot project is on the outskirts of Ubud, Gianyar, part of Kedewatan. This subak was chosen because of its proximity to Ubud and its therefore threatened status for development. Also, most of this subak has already partially returned to organic methods for growing rice, but still needs technical assistance for organic pest control.
Bunutan: 365 KK (KK=kepala keluarga/head of family) Tanggayuda: 215 KK
Household Income (HHI)=RP 1.500.000 (month) ($123)# of farms to be conserved=135=47 Hectare (117.5 acres)
Farmers: Bunutan - 150 people are part time farmers , 100 are full time farmers Tanggayuda - 160 people are part time farmers, 50 are full time#of farmers who have sold their sawah in subak: Bunutan=3, Tanggayuda=5 (3=100% Sold, 2 have sold partial holdings)
Soil composition: soil in the Subak Malung is muddy. This condition has slowed the growing process of rice.
Contribution for Subak: Rp. 30.000.000/ ($2,457) year starting this year from government.
Annual village budget: Bunutan Rp. 308.000.000 ($25,235K) Tanggayuda Rp. 197.000.000 ($16,100)
Our pilot project will be a living laboratory to replicate the US Land Trust model while ensuring the culture, religion and legal framework of Bali is prioritised.
Phase 1: Conserving Sawah
Sawah Bali has met with the Pekaseh, as well as the Adat + Dinas leaders of both villages. The project was met with enthusiasm and support. We have shown some members of the subak (and their wives) a video that Sawah Bali has created to outline all aspects of the project. We are in the midst of mapping the subak (GIS). Concurrently, we will continue to listen to subak members, answer their questions and ask for their opinions so that Project Manager and Farm Liaison can better understand their concerns and their soils.
Appraisals will be sought from Rita Dewi, Red Lotus Properties. An appraisal will need to establish a) a price that a developer would pay per are (prior to real-estate bubble) and b) the intrinsic value (farming/sawah) of farmland per are. Negotiations (per are) will ensue with Pekesah and subak members. This will define the price paid to each farmer “not to develop” in perpetuity. This amount will be paid with installments as an annuity payment, scheduled multi-generational until the balance has been paid in full. Awig- awig amendment will be implemented, (banjar) ensuring legal and local oversight for conserving the property in perpetuity.
Sawah Bali will enlist the help of a bank to open bank accounts for all subak members and their wives. Financial management workshops will be available for those who are interested.Sawah Bali will begin monthly annuity payments of Rp1.220.500 ($100) directly deposited in bank accounts.
Phase 2
Increasing the farmer’s income and health.
Returning to organic methods and restructuring what crops are grown.
Supply chain of logistics for selling surplus.
Each subak member will have access to technical assistance throughout this process. Together with our partner, Yayasan IDEP, we will discuss with members, the options for best land use, restoring best land use practices which include 100% organic methods. 100% of the subak has already transitioned partially organic but needs to be educated for eradicating pests, naturally. Subak is required to purchase government organic product. Natural composting will be introduced for added soil fertility and restoration of soil and water health . This will also provide collective waste management for both villages by composting offerings and other organic waste materials. Yayasan IDEP will conduct all technical assistance workshops for subak.
This subak grows rice and it will be encouraged to grow only the heritage rices. If desired, a cooperative will be formed to sell the organic heritage rices. It will take time to transition and certify that methods are indeed organic. Having organic products, farmers and their families can, not only sell their organic products at higher price but also have the access to organic rice that has provides a nutritionally higher diet without harmful and toxic chemicals.
Site specific organic vegetables will also be grown. We will support this by devising a supply chain for all organic vegetables. From farmer to consumer.Value added products may be created by enlisting the partnership of social entrepreneurships.
We will develop agro-tourism with homestays. Volunteers will help transition farms and increase farmer’s income.
Phase 3: Monitoring, enforcement and stewardship of the land
On-going technical assistance (if needed) as well as monitoring of conserved farms by Pekaseh, Desa and Sawah Bali.
Bupati of Gianyar Regency
IDEP - Technical Assistance
Forest Carbon - Mapping
Red Lotus & Rita Dewi - Appraisals
Consultants: Starling Resources, Dr. Luh Kartini, BOA, Udayana University Dr. Wayan Windia, Prof. Wiwik Darmisiah
Natural Capital Network: Crowdfunding

Ibu in the sawah in Bunutan preparing for the ByuKukung ceremony to increase the fertility and harvest.

In preparation for a ceremony, a subak member makes lawar in the Masceti, the sacred water temple that each subak has for ceremonies and meetings.
Subak canal system

The leaders of Bunutan, Tanggayuda, the Pekaseh, farmers and the Sawah Bali team